Troubleshooting The following section describes some of the common problems users may encounter during operation of the TeleContact and offers some solutions to those problems. *Problem: When a file is selected for transfer, an error message with error =-49 appears stating that the file and the TeleContact cancels the file transfer and quits. *Solution: This problem occurs when a file is being used by another application when it was attempted to be sent. The solution is to close the document or file from the application that has the file in use before attempting to send the file. *Problem: TeleContact fails to recognize an attached modem. *Solution: When TeleContact starts up, it begins by testing and resetting the modem. Since most Macintosh computers have two serial ports to which a modem can be connected, user must specify which port to use. The port selection is done through the Communication Preferences dialog. Please make sure that the modem is connected to the specified serial port and it is turn on. Furthermore, power cable or the serial cable make have become loose and cause the TeleContact to fail to recognize the attached modem. If the above is the case, simply check all related connections and try to run the TeleContact again. *Problem: TeleContact can not dial a phone number. *Solution: In some areas, only the pulse dial mode is supported by phone company and if the touch tone is selected, TeleContact can not dial the number. Please make sure the correct method of dialing is selected from the Communication Preferences for proper operation. It is recommended for users to select touch tone dialing method if it is available since it allows for faster dialing and more extensive dialing options. *Problem: File transfer is cancel by TeleContact due to loss of connection. *Solution: If the quality of the connection is compromised, TeleContact would attempt to lower the speed of connection or correct any errors encountered. This problem is caused by poor connections and the signal traveling through several aerial and ground telephone relay stations, and it is more apparent for connection speeds above 14400 (Baud Per Second) BPS. If the amount of errors become too great or the remote modem stops responding the file transfer is canceled. If you are faced with such cancellation frequently, you would achieve better performance by attempting your file transfers during the off-peak-hour when possible. *Problem: When a file transfer has been initiated, TeleContact quits during the conversion with an error of -34 stating that the disk is full. *Solution: The size of the file selected for transfer exceeds the available space on the drive. Users can remedy this problem by either removing unwanted files or moving files between available disks to make more free space available and try the file transfer again. *Problem: TeleContact appears to operating very slowly on a Power Macintosh computer. *Solution: Most common cause of poor system performance are old and outdated system extensions. Since the system software architecture was modified greatly with the introduction of the Power Macintosh computers, user must make sure they have extensions that are compatible with the new architecture. Incompatible extensions would cause a great reduction of system performance. Several shareware and commercial programs test all installed extensions and control panel documents for compatibility. Users must contact the publishers of the incompatible extensions for availability of updates or upgrades. *Problem: TeleContact can not recognize the dial tone and refuses to dial out any phone number. *Solution: In some European countries the dial tone is either to low or it takes slightly longer to be activated. In such cases, user can select the Blind Touch tone or the Blind Pulse options to eliminate any problems the modem may have sensing the dial tone. User can select these options from the Communication Preferences dialog. *Problem: TeleContact calls out and connects to a remote modem, but the connection is lost a few moment later. *Solution: Some phone systems my contain an unusual amount of noise and may cause for loss of connection when used for high speed communications. To compensate for this, TeleContact allows the maximum speed to be adjustable. For more information on speed adjustment please refer to the Connection Speed section in the description for the Communication Preferences dialog.